At the Lahore University of Management Sciences, 2018 - 2021
ECON 3421: An Introduction to the Methods and Practice of Impact Evaluation
In this course I provide an end-to-end overview of impact evaluation i.e. the rigorous, quantitative evaluation of policy. We start by motivating the course, developing an understanding of what impact evaluation is, developing our ability to construct good questions to ask and understanding theory of change. Next, we develop an understanding of causal inference - the idea, important concepts and terminology. We then review major methods for evaluation (RCTs, RDD, DiD, IV, matching) and do regular labs to apply our understanding. We conclude with insights on how to manage an impact evaluation, thinking through ethical issues and dissemination.
ECON 3424: Economics of Pandemics
In this course, my co-instructor and I focus on introducing students to the economics of pandemics, with the goal of understanding theory and empirical analysis. We start the course with an overview of the history of pandemics, then move to theory with a focus on public health systems and pandemics. The course then moves on to understanding the role of vaccines. Next, the course looks to understand in some depth the COVID-19 pandemic and its economic impacts. Finally, the course delves into measurement challenges especially in light of the COVID-19 pandemic.
ECON 246: An Introduction to the Economics of Climate Change
In this course I introduce students to the economics of climate change. First, we review the science of climate change i.e. how it occurs and the role humans play in it. We then delve into the economic analysis and policy options for optimal greenhouse gas emissions reduction. Alongside this, we develop an understanding of integrated assessment models, the role these play in thinking about climate policy and building up a simplified version of William Nordhaus' Dynamic Integrated Climate Economy Model (DICE).
ECON 244: Introduction to Environmental Economics
In this course I introduce students to the economic principles, concepts, and methodologies required to understand the relationship between human decisions and the environment. Our planet is a closed environmental system with a limited capacity to assimilate the harmful byproducts of economic activity. Interventions to improve the environment entail a tradeoff between economic activity and environmental quality. In this course, I teach students how economic agents allocate scarce resources among competing uses, what impact such allocations have on the environment, and how social planners and private agents can reallocate resources to achieve socially desirable outcomes. I explore the measurement of environmental costs and benefits, the application of cost-benefit analysis to environmental problems, alternative policy instruments for pollution control, and the implications of economic growth and climate change for a sustainable environment in developing countries.
ECON 240: Development Economics
In this course I introduce students to the central themes in economic development. I begin with an overview of economic development and the models economists use to understand the process of economic development. I explore the constraints to growth in developing countries, focusing on how decision-making and markets function under these constrained circumstances. We will also examine some of the main debates in designing development policy. In addition to conceptual knowledge, I also focus on building communication skills essential for a development economist.
ECON 100: Principles of Economics
This is an introductory course in undergraduate economics. The objective of the course is to make students aware of basic concepts in microeconomics and macroeconomics. The course seeks to lay essential foundations for those who want to pursue economics at the undergraduate level.